Ka Ni Kanichihk News

Between the Pipes co-author donates her proceeds to Velma’s House

JUNE 27, 2024 – We would like to take a moment to thank Dr. Elaine Mordoch, co-author of Between the Pipes, an upcoming Two-Spirit graphic novel, for donating her proceeds from the novel’s sales to Velma’s House 24/7 Safe Space, located at 566 Bannatyne Avenue in Winnipeg…

Please Consider Supporting Ka Ni Kanichihk Programs Today.

JUNE 27, 2024 – As summer begins, we extend our heartfelt greetings to you. Your unwavering generosity and support are the cornerstones of our mission to uplift women, youth, and families in our community.

To donate today, please visit: https://www.kanikanichihk.ca/donate/

23rd Annual Keeping The Fires Burning

JUNE 20, 2024 – On June 20, we gathered for the 23rd annual Keeping the Fires Burning at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg. The event was a success, with over 800 community members, relatives, friends, family, and honoured guests in attendance…

Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo partners with Ka Ni Kanichihk as Feature Charity for June

This past month, Ka Ni Kanichihk partnered with Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo as one of their feature charities of choice for June.

If you would like to participate, this Saturday, June 29 is the last broadcast where you can use Ka Ni Kanichihk’s affiliate link to donate a portion of your purchase toward supporting our work and furthering our impact in the community…

Capital Expansion Update – June 2024

JUNE 25, 2024 – Construction on the second story of Sakihiwewin Lodge is underway at 455 McDermot Ave., the future expanded home of Ka Ni Kanichihk and a gathering space for our community…

10th Annual Heart Medicine Gathering

APRIL 5, 2024 – On April 5, we hosted our 10th annual Heart Medicine Gathering at the Viscount Gort Hotel.

This year’s theme was Love Poetry for Indigenous Women.

We would like to thank everyone who came out to the event…